Embark on an enchanting Galapagos adventure starting with a morning flight to Baltra on Santa Cruz Island. Explore the lush highlands adorned with Scalesia trees and captivating lava tunnels. Witness the iconic wildlife, including blue-footed boobies and waved albatrosses, at Española Island's Suarez Point. Gardner Bay offers a delightful encounter with sea lions and the opportunity to swim with sea lion pups. Santa Fe Island beckons with its picturesque bay and a chance to observe land iguanas amidst giant Opuntia cacti. Conclude your journey at Black Turtle Cove on Santa Cruz, a haven for young marine life, before bidding farewell to the Galapagos, transfixed by the unique landscapes and diverse wildlife of this extraordinary archipelago.
- Discover lush highlands and surreal lava tunnels on Santa Cruz Island.
- Witness the waved albatrosses and blue-footed boobies at Española Island's Suarez Point.
- Swim with sea lion pups at the pristine Gardner Bay, Española Island.
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Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
Prices quoted here are often dependent on currency fluctuations. Please check with (01432 507450 or [email protected]) for the very latest price, which may well be cheaper than the one advertised here.
In the morning: Baltra Airport Arrival
Morning flight from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra, Galapagos Islands. After passing through immigration and baggage claim, you will be met by a Galapagos Angel staff member and brought into a private bus to start your adventure in Galapagos. *The first excursion will be after being picked up at the airport upon arrival to the islands, so it is advisable to travel with suitable clothing and footwear for walking.
In the afternoon: Highlands
Accessible by bus from Puerto Ayora, the highlands of Santa Cruz are a deep green which contrast beautifully with the dry, lower part of the islands. The predominant vegetation in the highlands are Scalesia trees which create a lush green forest. The lava tunnels, over half a mile long, are underground and walking through them is a unique, surreal experience. At this place you’ll have lunch.
In the morning: Suarez Point
On the trail to Suarez Point you will have the chance to spot blue-footed boobies, albatrosses, and Nazca boobies. This island is the breeding site of nearly all of the world’s 12,000 pairs of waved albatrosses. You will also visit a beautiful site on the ocean front where there is a cliff that the large albatrosses use as a launching pad! You will have the chance to see the famous blowhole that spurts sea water into the air. The landscape is great for photography.
In the afternoon: Gardner Bay, Gardner Islet & Osborn Islet
This excursion takes you to the spectacular Gardner Bay. After landing, you can walk across a lovely white-sand beach amongst a busy sea lion colony or dive into the water to swim with sea lion pups. You may also see curious mockingbirds on the beach.
In the morning: Santa Fé Island
Santa Fe Island (Barrington) is home to the small picturesque bay and anchorage on the island’s northeast coast. The bay has two visitor trails: one leading to a scenic viewpoint atop a cliff, and the other spanning from a small beach to a tall prickly pear cactus forest.
In the afternoon: South Plaza Island
This small island with steep cliffs was formed by rising lava and is now covered by Opuntia cacti. It is also home to one of the largest sea lion colonies as well as colorful yellow and red land iguanas. The most characteristic plant is the Sesuvium. During the rainy season its color is a greenish to yellowish tone and in the dry season (end of June through January) a bright red.
In the morning: Black Turtle Cove
Visit Black Turtle Cove in the northern part of Santa Cruz. This inlet is surrounded by mangroves and is only accessible by dinghy. The shallow cove is a haven for young marine life. Black-tip and white-tip reef sharks, sea turtles, and a variety of rays are often spotted here.
Afterwards: Baltra Airport Departure
After this final visit, you will be transferred to the Baltra airport in time for your flight back to the mainland.
Itineraries are subject to change.
Galapagos Angel
Vessel Type: Motor Yacht
Length: 115 ft (35m)
Passenger Capacity: 16
Built: 2023
The Galapagos Angel is our newest first-class private yacht with the highest navigation standards for the best sailing experience on the sea.
The addition of this new first class motor yacht to the Galapagos' largest and most prestigious fleet will include adventure, comfort, and exclusivity.
Designed and built in the Netherlands, the Galapagos Angel is almost ready to explore the Enchanted Islands with outstanding itineraries and top-notch service.
With two large suites and six convertible cabins, the yacht accommodations are comfortably designed for 16 passengers, who can enjoy breathtaking views through the panoramic windows and of sharing their day-to-day experiences with their loved ones by using our onboard WiFi service.
Leave your trip in the hands of the crew members and our certified bilingual naturalist guides, who will show you the most outstanding places in the islands and make you live an unforgettable experience.